AACSB accredited AMBA accredited
ul. Gagarina 13a, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 4600
zdjęcie nagłówkowe

Registration and important dates


by 15 October 2020: submitting the abstract using the registration form

by 20 October 2020: informing the Authors about qualifying for the presentation at the conference and for publishing the article in one of the patronage journals

by 5 November 2020: payment of the conference fee

by 20 November 2020: announcement of the conference schedule

by the end of February 2021: sending the article edited in accordance with the editorial requirements of the journal in which it will be subject to reviewing


The conference fee amount:

  • for the stationary participation with a paper – 800 PLN
  • for the stationary participation without a paper – 450 PLN
  • for the online participation with a paper – 250 PLN
  • for the online participation without a paper – 100 PLN

Conference Programme Board Members are exempt from the conference fee. For the members of the “Logistics and mobility” team fee for the stationary participation is 600 PLN and 250 PLN respectively.

What the fee includes:

– participation in the conference

– conference materials

– possibility to publish an article in one of the patronage journals after meeting editorial requirements and receiving positive reviews

– catering during the debate

– a formal dinner

The conference fee does not include accommodation or travel costs.


The fee should be paid to the bank account of

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Bank Millennium S.A. in Warsaw

45 1160 2202 0000 0000 3174 8579

with a note in the transfer name:

“Odpowiedzialne łańcuchy dostaw 2020 (Responsible supply chains 2020) – name of the participant”.

Registration Form